Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) problems are a very common reason for patients to consult with their GPs.
The specialty is one of the broadest areas of surgery. All ENT doctors are trained in the general aspects of ENT and some then decide to progress their skills and knowledge in certain areas (called subspecialisation) which is reflective of what happens in general surgery.
We make every effort to see you promptly and if it is an urgent problem, your GP can call us to prioritise an emergency review. Your appointment is an opportunity to discuss your problem and provide advice on treatment options. If surgery is recommended, the procedure and its risks are discussed.
The advantage of private treatment is that often the waiting times for clinical assessment, treatment, and surgery are much shorter than elsewhere. There is flexibility in your appointment and surgery dates and importantly, you have the opportunity to meet with the specialist who will actually be doing the operation.
Our waiting times from assessment to surgery are very short.
Treatment as a private patient is subsidised by Medicare and Private Health Insurance. Referrals are required to access the full Medicare subsidy, but we also see patients without such referrals.
Whilst the public sector offers a free service, this does not necessarily mean it comes without expense. Cost issues need to be taken into account such as days of ongoing illness whilst waiting for your care,travel, petrol, and accommodation to access your care, and inflexible appointments. Furthermore, you are less likely to see the same doctor looking after your health and well being. You also need to be aware that your operation may be done by someone still learning how to do it safely and properly, such is the nature of public hospital care.