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David McIntosh was invited to fly over to Perth to run some education sessions for the local dental community. Today was a big day for everybody, with topics of anatomy, respiratory physiology, sinus disease, allergies, airway obstruction, reflux, middle ear disease, looking at xray scans, and tongue tie, just a few of the topics coverend in a comprehensive overview of ENT and its relationship to dentistry.
David McIntosh was invited to fly over to Perth to run some education sessions for the local dental community. There was an array of topics discussed on the evening, including paediatric airway problems, reflux, tooth grinding, ear infections, high blood pressure, and how they all inter-relate between the fields of dentistry and ENT.
David McIntosh was an invited speaker to an educational course for dentists. He discussed the assessment of findings on x-ray scans, and the relationship of the airway to development of the jaw and face. It was a great turnout with near 100 people attending.
David presented to the dental therapists association on the topic of the overlap between ENT and dentistry. Topics highlighted included airway problems, reflux disease, and throat cancer. The talk was very well received by the audience.
Following on from the success of the large GP conference in March this year, a mini-seminar was provided for doctors and other health care providers on a range of ENT conditions, with a special focus on airway issues, ear infections, and managing adult sleep apnoea and sinus disease. The feedback was very positive, with one attendee advising that on her first day at work after the course, she found ENT problems in the first 4 children she saw that day, that she may not have otherwise picked up on.
To recognise the opening of the new St Stephens Hospital in Hervey Bay, David was invited to be the first ever speaker to present at the new facility. There were many local doctors who attended to learn about the advances in ENT with respect to the management of sleep apnoea in children and adults. Of great interest were the alternate options for the management of sleep apnoea other than CPAP
David McIntosh was the invited speaker to provide a comprehensive update on ENT for the GPs of Mackay, in northern Queensland. It was one of the best attended events in the region, and provided the local medical community a valuable insight into the advances of the management of ENT conditions.
David McIntosh headed to the Sunshine Coast Grammar School to educate primary school teachers on ENT conditions like snoring, middle ear disease, and tonsillitis, and the effect it has on kid’s learning and behaviour. It was very well received and even prompted an email out to parents suggesting they keep an eye out for these sorts of problems in their children.
Today we hosted the largest dedicated ENT education event for GPs ever to be held in Australia. David and Daniel were joined by 2 ENT specialists from Adelaide. The event was even covered by the local newspaper GPs from all over Queensland attended the event and the feedback was overwhelming positive.