Looking after your Ears, Nose and Throat
Need a hearing test? We recommend Attune. Their website is www.attune.com.au
Middle ear infection and fluid
This type of problem is common. Middle ear infections usually follow on from a cold or upper respiratory tract infection. The infection, however, may go “straight to the ears”. GPs are experienced in managing this type of infection and often consider the use of antibiotics. In children where there are either frequent infections (usually 4 or more in a 6 month period, or more than 6 episodes in within 12 months), or the infection is serious, then a referral to an Ear Nose and Throat Specialist should be considered.
Perforated Ear Drum
This may follow on from an ear infection or trauma. It is also a risk from the insertion of grommets which are specialised tubes that are used to deal with some of the middle ear problems described above. The presence of a perforated ear drum (or “hole in the ear drum”) may cause problems such as hearing loss, discharge and infection from the ear. Assessment of these problems requires a specialist opinion as to whether the hole can be repaired. Fortunately the ability to repair the ear drum is usually possible.